Nontaxable Income
Amounts that are not taxed
You do not have to report certain amounts in your income, including the following:
• Any GST/HST credit or Canada child tax benefit payments, as well as those from certain related provincial and territorial programs;
• Child assistance payments and the supplement for handicapped children paid by the province of Quebec;
• Compensation received from a province or territory if you were a victim of a criminal act or a motor vehicle accident;
• Lottery winnings;
• Most gifts and inheritances;
• Amounts paid by Canada or an ally (if the amount is not taxable in that country) for disability or death due to war service;
• Most amounts received from a life insurance policy following someone's death;
• Most payments of the type commonly referred to as strike pay you received from your union, even if you perform picketing duties as a requirement of membership; and
• Most amounts received from a tax-free savings account (TFSA).
You do not have to report certain amounts in your income, including the following:
• Any GST/HST credit or Canada child tax benefit payments, as well as those from certain related provincial and territorial programs;
• Child assistance payments and the supplement for handicapped children paid by the province of Quebec;
• Compensation received from a province or territory if you were a victim of a criminal act or a motor vehicle accident;
• Lottery winnings;
• Most gifts and inheritances;
• Amounts paid by Canada or an ally (if the amount is not taxable in that country) for disability or death due to war service;
• Most amounts received from a life insurance policy following someone's death;
• Most payments of the type commonly referred to as strike pay you received from your union, even if you perform picketing duties as a requirement of membership; and
• Most amounts received from a tax-free savings account (TFSA).